Two weeks into my Nunavut adventure I realize it's a challenge to keep in touch with folks at home and elsewhere. So here I am trying my hand at blogging. Look out below. This may become an adventure about an adventure. I haven't figured out how to include a picture of myself in the suggested spot and several other aspects of blogging, but here goes. Guess I can learn as I go along.
Two weeks ago today Dusty (cat) and I flew from Halifax to Ottawa and then on to Iqaluit. The First Air flight out of Ottawa was fantastic with such nice service, etc. I don't want to talk about Air Canada right now. We were joined at the Arctic Hotel that afternoon by Bill and Haley (dog) just in from Kimmirut. We all spent a lovely few days in Iqaluit, then flew to Kimmirut Friday morning. Once I figure out how to, I'll include pictures.
The little house here is tight, modern and cozy. Exterior is plain and stoic like other buildings in town. There's still plenty of snow and it has snowed a couple of times recently but melting is ongoing and daily temperatures range from around 10 below to 15 above.
I'm finding these long hours of daylight (I think around 20 hours right now) quite easy to get used to. By 10 p.m. or so the sun isn't very bright and the special curtains have so far prevented it from awakening me really early in the morning.
Maybe this is enough for a start. Writing a blog is not going to be easy for me and I'm already tired.
Just writing myself a note to see what happens. A couple of friends have had trouble posting a comment. Hope it's easy as I do want to hear from folks.